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I write about a Smorgasbord of topics. Why, to spark conversations and ideas.

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Simon Sinik asks why are some people an organisations more inventive, pioneering and successful than others? Woz is always asking why? Welcome to the Woz Report.

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I’m John, a sustainability professional, writer and thinker who has been around the block, from Yorkshire to West Berlin and back. I’m writing because I love to. The little guy in the picture with me is the late Mr Sox.

I love sport, but recently I find myself reading more, listening to podcasts or audiobooks and asking why. I love a good book, and one of my favourites is Ben Macintyre’s The Spy and the Traitor, a story about Oleg Gordievsky, a KGB spy who defected to the West.

In 2013, I took up road cycling because a back injury prevented me from running. In May of 2013, I rode from London to Nice via the Alps with a few friends and colleagues. I learned a lot about myself during that trip. On reflection it was the start of an ordeal with General Anxiety Disorder, and moderate-to-Severe depression.

Sense then, I’ve achieved many goals, and my latest challenge is to publish my World War 2 novel, Elsecar Boys We Are Here.

You’ve probably read enough of my bio, so head over to the main page and read my work, or check out my sustainability page at The Woz Report.

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Writer, motivational speaker, podcaster, engaging and always curious. https://linktr.ee/wozwrites https://tpjr.us/wozwriteswordbank